Implementing the development strategy in the fields of Science, Technology and International Cooperation of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Vietnam National University of   Agriculture (VNUA), until 2030 in implementing research results and international cooperation associated with the practice of Land Management, Natural Resources and Environmental Management, and Real Estate management, Environmental Science, and Soil Science in order to contribute to the development of the Natural Resources and Environment and Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, in the recent years the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, had promoted links in scientific research activities and exchange of students and lecturers with universities in a number of countries in the region, especially with Yamagata University, Japan, with the aim of strengthening research cooperation and exchange in training, science and technology and transfer into production practice.

On March 8-9, 2024, with the invitation of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Japan, the delegation of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong, Dean of the Faculty, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Huu Cong, Vice Dean, visited, worked, and discussed about cooperation potential with the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University. Receiving and working with the Faculty's delegation, there were Prof. Dr. Hideki Murayama, Dean; Prof. Dr. Toru Watanabe, Vice Dean in charge of international cooperation, and lecturers and researchers from the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University.

Overview of the working session between leaders of the two faculties 

To promote mutual understanding before the official signing ceremony, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong, Dean of the Faculty, gave a general introduction about the Faculty, its achievements and activities over the past 48 years by introducing the training majors (undergraduate and postgraduate programs), human resources, the departments within the Faculty and research directions of the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment. Next, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Huu Cong introduced the results in training, scientific research, international cooperation as well as the transfer of science and technology into production practices associated with the orientation of research training in the field of Natural Resources and Environment in general and Environmental Science in particular. Leaders of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University asked questions, gained an understanding and positively evaluated the achievements that the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, had achieved over the past 48 years in the fields of training and scientific research and scientific and technological transfer.

 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony

On the side of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Prof. Dr. Toru Watanabe, Vice Dean in charge of International Cooperation introduced the scope of the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, and the research being carried out at the Faculty as well as the research in collaboration with the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, over the past years. Afterwards, Prof. Dr. Hideki Murayma, Dean of the Faculty, shared his desire to continue to cooperate more deeply with the Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, VNUA, in the coming years so that the two faculties could support each other in scientific research as well as academic exchange between lecturers and students of the two faculties. The meeting took place in a cordial, effective atmosphere and shared clear directions for cooperation in the future.

 Prof. Dr. Toru Watanabe introduces research orientation and proposes collaborative projects.

At the end of the discussion session, the two faculties signed a memorandum of understanding which would last 5 years (from 2024 to 2029) and be extended according to agreement during the following years.

 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tran Trong Phuong gives a present to the Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University
Leaders of the two faculties take a photo.